
When talking to people about my copywriting business, one of the questions I get asked fairly frequently is do I have a speciality or a niche. The answer is always no, because I’m too nosey to niche. But it always gets me thinking – should I consider niching? What does everyone else do? Will I be a better writer if I niche? These are the...

We are living in unprecedented times. It is difficult to know how to behave and how to feel right now. Regardless of your industry, you will be feeling an impact. For me, each day brings new emotions, swinging wildly between guilt at trying to find new clients so I can maintain my business’ growth, then upbeat optimism and Eeyore-like pessimism. I have spent time trying...

Working from home is perceived with mixed views. Either it’s an easy cop out, pretending to work while you actually watch daytime TV in your PJs, or prop up your laptop in bed. Or it’s seen as a massively productive way to work, saving commuting time and cost and giving you the chance to get your head down and plough on. I suspect your opinion...

Blogs have been around for longer than you might think. 1994 seems to be when they began life and although that’s fairly recent in terms of world history, it’s quite a long way back in the history of the information superhighway. Like a host of other jobs that have been created since the introduction of the world wide web, some people now blog for a living. Of...

One of the best things about being a copywriter is that I get to meet many different people in a wide variety of industries, jobs and professions. I love to research those fields in order to write about them convincingly and the encounters are often highly informative. A few weeks ago I met a woman who told me she is a Dementia Friend and that that...

Copywriting is one of those skills that we all think we have and can easily do. It can’t be that difficult to write about your own business or service and make it sound enticing – you’re the one closest to it, after all, and therefore the one who knows it best. But have you ever considered working with a copywriter? Someone who can relieve you...

Back in the day, when life was simple and filled with no more worries than whether I could be as lucky, lucky, lucky as Kylie Minogue, I fancied myself as a bit of a poet. I was a devoted reader and would have done almost anything to immerse myself in words and books all day. My hands-down favourite A-level was English Literature and we were studying...

For almost ten years now I have fancied myself a runner. I run, not jog – there’s a distinct difference (if you’re a runner). It started as an almost challenge from my husband – ‘Why don’t we start running and enter the Hastings half marathon?’ So we did both of those things and running became part of our lives. Not something we do together but...

As a copywriter and general lover of all things word-related, one of the joys of the English language for me is its irregularities. It can certainly make copywriting a challenge! Those inconsistencies make me hugely glad I’m a native speaker and have never had to learn English as a foreign language – you’ve probably seen the well-circulated poem highlighting some of the peculiarities: I take it...

We can all write words. And we’ve all got something to say. If you have your own business, or are charged with marketing someone else’s business, it is vital to be able to get your message across in a persuasive, engaging way. But what if you can’t get the words to flow or you have so much to say that you end up with an outpouring...